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Our HOA Community pool is for all dues paying residents. Please limit your guests to no more than 5. Children under 14 years must be accompanied by an adult at all times. 


Proper pool attire is mandatory. If you can't wear it to the Doug Russell pool,  please do not wear it to our community pool. We have families that are trying to enjoy themselves and not have to worry about covering their little ones' eyes. 


We have been having issues with people bringing alcohol into the pool area. Alcohol consumption is against the pool  rules. This is per our insurance. If there continues to be issues, we will be forced to increase our insurance premium and you know what that means.  As a member of Polo Park, you are part owner of the pool area. Please help us with maintaining the area. 


The patio can be rented for a party so that you can have more than 5 guests as well as  the patio for your use. If you choose not to rent the patio, but have a party,  if you exceed 5 guests, your card will be turned off.  You are also asked to clean up af and take your trash with you. We have been finding the tables covered in food and not being wiped down. 


Please watch your kids in the bathrooms and clean up after them.  Volunteers are cleaning the pool area and it is not right to make them clean bathroom messes.  


Pool hours are from 10am to 10 pm





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